Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bargain Xbox

Not able to restrain myself any longer, I dropped of my stuff at home after work, and drove straight to Chatswood to buy myself an Xbox. I've visited Myer, Kmart, EBGames in the city and the nearby suburbs before, and they're all out of stock. I reckon Microsoft pulled back the remaining stock, so people will be forced to buy the new Xbox 360. Well, not this geek.

Toys R Us has some funny deals going on. An Xbox unit with single controller is selling for A$250. They have an Xbox Console Bundle that comes with two games. That one costs A$200. You read that right. Just for the bundled Halo2 and Forza Motorsport, I should've grabbed the deal right then and there. Good thing I didn't because Myer is selling the same system for even less. Ah, thank heavens for capitalism!

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