Thursday, February 03, 2005

Palm Scare

So I pulled out my Palm IIIxe on the train to read Order of the Phoenix. I pushed the green power button. The log-on display came up, then disappeared. Ah, low-batt again. Out of habit, I pushed the on button again and again and again. The screen dying out faster with each push. All of a sudden, the screen flickered a bit, then froze. Thick black liquid started spreading under the screen until every square pixel is covered. I was expecting the liquid to ooze out of the Palm. If I was religious, I would've yelled Jesus Christ. That's what you get for using researchable Ni-Cads, and running them down to critical levels. I've been using that Palm for over 5 years, and I was hoping it would last 5 years more.

To my relief, the screen cleared up when I put in new batteries (freshly-recharged Ni-Cads, of course).

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